How Youth Are Using SIP To Push for Quality Education in Madaraka


On 10 September 2022, SAYDS Community Association (SCA) fellows and a team of energetic and youthful changemakers held a workshop at Trinity Educational Centre Makadara. These youth believe that SIP can be used to drive change through policy and have gone ahead to demonstrate it in their day to day pursuits.

The Kenyan youth is the among most disenfranchised in the Kenyan policy making processes. Consequently, they struggle with the motivation to  actively participate in the policy making processes, which means less representation in National Politics.


SCA fellows and the Makadara team believe youth change makers can use SIP to create conversations around access to quality education at Makadara, Nairobi. In their workshop, they discussed the Complexity Analysis Toolkit (CAT), Systemic Intervention Toolkit (SIT), and Complexity and Public Policy Toolkit and how youth can use them to create and deploy comprehensive solutions.


As access to quality education hinders Makadara residents, the SCA fellows attest that application of skills gained from the program has changed how they approach challenges  youth face. Nancy Wanjugu Kimani is an accountant and founder of Spirit of Giving. She says, “Empowering youth is essential to the health and social development of families, communities and countries.”


When youth live safe, fulfilled and productive lives, they can reach their full potential by contributing skills to their workforce and raising a happier and healthier generation. Therefore, the training offered by SAYDS should be given much attention by youth because it covers a lot in my view.“

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She aso thinks that while we are fighting for quality education, the system should be flexible in approaching sex education comprehensively. “Comprehensive sex education is critical and should form part of the system we want to solve (lack of quality education),” she says.


And because they are solution-based, the SAYDS fellows want to train youth to tackle complex problems continuously. “Empowering youth should not stop at the center stage but to walk with them till we see change. From the training, I believe it is what SAYDS is doing to see a long-lasting solution travailing. I am overwhelmed to learn new things and what it takes to solve a complex social problem.” Says Faith Ashion, a mapper.


The application of systems thinking is not just for policy implementation but for everyday processes. Being a teacher, Rone Oduor’s work involves a lot of interaction with his students. He says: “A good educational outcome must start with integrating Christian values into society. What SAYDS is doing is going to impact many people in the region. As a teacher and having been part of the process, I have applied the knowledge in class and has worked especially in the analysis stage.”


Robert Odera, a SAYDS fellow, also opines, “Just spending time in school is not enough. There has to be a significant gain in skills  that requires improving the quality of education.” For this reason, youth in Makadara continue to champion the implementation of policies that create a habitat for quality education. In doing so, the youths not only learn theory but essential skills that shape their lives and career paths.

From the workshop, the participants were not left out. They shared their thoughts on what they thought was the best approach to ending poor-quality education at Makadara. They suggested that teachers are the most important school-based factors in determining child achievement and must be treated like modern professionals to enable them to deliver.


 Additionally, they desire to see a world where youths of Makadara enroll in skill-based career paths. They also suggested relevant stakeholders should leverage private partners’ contributions using effective mechanisms to increase the education sector’s accountability to students, the state and society, among many others.


We expect conversations and experiences that shape how we view social problems affecting our communities and provide sustainable solutions by implementing policy and putting in the work.


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Madaraka,Quality Education,SAYDS
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