Kisumu SIP Delivery Report


Wanga Michael, Violet Kai, and Zachary Ochieng honorably delivered the Kisumu SIP document to various government offices. We delivered them with the hope that we can engage the local governments in implementing policies that suit the fight toward reducing the severe social problems affecting Kisumu’s underprivileged people.


Mr. Silvan received the Systems Insight for Policy document at his ITERFELK office in Kisumu. He welcomed the team. They had booked an appointment with him on 20th April 2022. INTERFELK Organization has been at the forefront of reducing the number of children in the streets of Kisumu City under the Kisumu consortium of children living in the streets of Kisumu City.

Interestingly, Mr. Silvan himself was once a child living in the streets. It is important to note that INTERFELK has been part of the community and expert forums held by SCA in Kisumu during the Complexity analysis stages and data collection. The team conducted a brief to explain the idea appropriately.

We picked the following lessons:

  • Have an entry point in CSO working on the complex problem.
  • Feedback were to be given through follow-up with the champion
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County Assembly of Kisumu: The sectoral committee in charge of Culture, Children, Youth, and community services.

The Systems insight for policy document was received in the Clerks Office by her secretary, who welcomed us well on 20th April 2022. We could not find the clerk because she usually leaves the office by noon. We were advised that to meet her; we must visit the office early from 8.00 am to have a good chance of talking to her.

Things that worked

  • The sectoral committee of the assembly we targeted made filing and directing to the representatives easier even after the county transition.

County Government of Kisumu: County secretary

The Systems insight for policy document was received at the County secretary’s office by her secretary, who welcomed us well on 20th April 2022. They advised the team to write a formal letter indicating:

Things that worked

  • The sector they intended to support or influence among the county departments.
  • The letter was to mention the dates chosen for the meeting to enable planning for a joint meeting with officers from relevant county departments.
  • The secretary advised the team visits the departments to find out if there is any official policy and plans through a letter (document and undocumented plans) to aid in the said meeting.

What worked

  • The secretary agreed to push the agenda forward through her boss and even suggested some linear solutions during our discussions which further justified our framings and emphasized our proposed insights.

In conclusion, the above visits show that we have a shot at engaging the national and county governments in creating solutions to complex social problems using systemic thinking.

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