Youth Unemployment

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Kenya is currently experiencing a youth bulge, with 75% of its population aged below 35 years old. The youth unemployment rate in Kenya is alarmingly high at 35%, compared to the overall national unemployment rate of 10%. This has led to significant economic, social, and political consequences. Like many other developing countries, Kenya faces the challenge of providing employment opportunities for its burgeoning youth population.


The issue of youth unemployment has garnered widespread attention, becoming a frequent topic in the media and across Africa. Many young people complain about the scarcity of opportunities despite their qualifications and experience. If not addressed, this problem could lead to severe ramifications. Therefore, Group 8 has decided to tackle this issue relentlessly.


Through the SAYDS program, we have been given a platform to address the complexities of youth unemployment and devise solutions. During our community outreach in the slums of Kariobangi, we engaged with the youth to understand their needs and how they could be assisted to eradicate poverty, which is primarily caused by a lack of job opportunities. These interactions provided us with valuable insights into the factors contributing to youth unemployment.

By applying systems thinking and critical analysis, we have identified the root causes of youth unemployment and developed practical solutions. We have collaborated with organizations that specialize in addressing similar issues, which has helped us evaluate the complexities and refine our strategies. Our approach involves creating equal opportunities for the youth to harness their potential without fear or favor, thus contributing to human, system, and integral development in Kenya.

Our efforts focus on equipping the youth with the necessary skills and opportunities to secure meaningful employment. We advocate for policy changes that support youth employment and economic empowerment. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of entrepreneurship and support for small business ventures to create job opportunities. By investing in youth, we aim to harness the demographic dividend and drive sustainable development in Kenya and Africa at large.

Through our work, we have identified various interventions such as access to quality education and skills training programs, creation of entrepreneurial opportunities, and support for small business ventures. These initiatives are designed to foster economic inclusion and empowerment, ultimately reducing youth unemployment and contributing to the overall development of the community. Our commitment is to create a supportive environment where young people can thrive and realize their full potential.

Project Details

Team Name:
Team GI8


Group Location:
Kariobangi, Nairobi

Social Problem:
Youth Unemployment

Project Goal:
Harness the demographic dividend by championing equal opportunities for youth to realize their full potential, thereby achieving human, system, and integral development in Kenya.