Teenage Pregnancy

Kisumu Team G4 is a community group based in Kisumu, Kenya, focused on addressing the pressing social issue of teenage pregnancy. Our mission is to empower and educate young people about sexual health and rights, providing them with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions. Through comprehensive sexual education programs, mentorship, healthcare access, and community engagement, SAYDS aims to significantly reduce the rates of teenage pregnancy and foster a healthier, more informed youth population.


Our programs include interactive workshops, youth mentorship, healthcare referrals, and parental involvement initiatives. By collaborating with local schools, healthcare providers, and community leaders, SAYDS creates a supportive environment for teenagers to thrive. Our efforts have already made a notable impact in Kisumu, and we are committed to expanding our reach and enhancing our programs to support even more young people in making positive life choices.


Through SAYDS, we have developed a multifaceted approach to tackle the issue of teenage pregnancy. Our comprehensive sexual education programs cover a wide range of topics, from reproductive health to consent and healthy relationships. These programs are designed to be interactive and engaging, ensuring that the youth not only receive information but also understand and internalize it. We also offer mentorship programs where young people can connect with positive role models who provide guidance and support.


Access to healthcare is another critical component of our strategy. We provide referrals to local healthcare providers, ensuring that teenagers have access to the medical services they need. In addition, we involve parents in our initiatives, recognizing the crucial role they play in their children’s lives. Parental involvement initiatives help bridge the communication gap between parents and teenagers, fostering a supportive environment at home.

By creating strong partnerships with local schools, healthcare providers, and community leaders, we ensure that our programs are well-integrated and have a broad impact. Our commitment to reducing teenage pregnancy in Kisumu is unwavering, and we are dedicated to continually improving and expanding our efforts to create a brighter future for the youth in our community.

Project Details

Project Details

Team Name

Kisumu Team G4

Target Location

Kisumu, Manyatta

Social Problem:

Teenage Pregnancy

Project Goal

To reduce teenage pregnancy rates in Kisumu by empowering and educating youth on sexual health and rights.