

Coming into the program, we were focused on helping the girls by providing enough sanitary towels that was affecting their attendance in school and ultimately their academic performance. Having gone through the SAYDS program, we saw our program shift to actually tackle more than just the need for sanitary towels.  We as a youth group are now equipped with complex systems thinking which saw us changing how we tackle the social problem we were handling. We realized that there has been a decline in adolescent girls completing their elementary education.

Using this new approach we uncovered that there are many other factors that undermine the girls’ school performance . This includes lack of school fees, dealing with chores at home, lack of necessary toiletries, lack of motivation to continue studying and lack of food. We got to expand our focus and systematically identify all the major factors/ high leverage points that need to be acted on to improve the girls’ school performance team.

Project Details

Team Name:
Siaya Team

4 & 5

Target Location:

Social Problem:
Tackling drop out rates among teenage girls in Western Kenya.

Project Goal:
To equip the youth group with a systems thinking lens with which they can analyse the problems these school girls face.