System Intervention Toolkit

Once youth have carried out a thorough analysis of the complex social problem, which entails going through the four parts of the Complexity Analysis Toolkit (CAT), they use the Systemic Intervention Toolkit (SIT) to design the systemic solution for the problem.

This toolkit helps youth learn to understand the perspectives of all relevant stakeholders in the system, understand the boundaries of the system, the dynamics involved, and how to design a holistic intervention. This toolkit is designed to provide users with a valuable learning experience. What allows it to do so is that it does not merely focus on providing users with knowledge on complexity but guides users on how to do deep learning with that knowledge. From almost one year of research, we found out that there is no shortage of knowledge on the information. What was lacking was resources that guide learners on how to develop their cognitive skills so that they can learn deeply.

 That is a gap that we fill in this manual by teaching cognitive processes along with the knowledge on complexity; the manual provides users with several opportunities to sharpen their skills on predicting outcomes of complexity, evaluating complexity, diagnosing complexity, planning how to address complex issues, determining nonlinear causal relations, making sound judgments, and describing complex issues. These cognitive processes can only be sharpened through a diversity of experiences with diagnosing complex problems and the manual guides users on how to do so. The goal is to make it possible for users to acquire experiences that they can draw from when dealing with other complex social problems in future.