SIKI SIP Workshop Mobilization Report

Community Service,SAYDS MEDIA,SIP

Decision-makers influence the sustainability of interventions. We should always target government resources.

SIKI, a Community-Based Organization, and SAYDS SCA fellows organized a workshop at Liganwa Polytechnic, Siaya town, on July 23, 2022.

Goals of the workshop

  • Deepen the systemic insights for policy by getting additional information and refining the details you have gathered.
  • Create buy-in in the community for your insights on how policies should be designed for the social problem.
  • Build an advocacy coalition for the SIP; this coalition will be necessary to give your group the power you need to pressure policymakers to adopt the insights.
  • Create the power in numbers of youth that would attract policymakers to apply the insights.
  • Expand your group’s network.
  • Educate citizens on how to use systems thinking to put together policy insights.
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Introduction and the Systemic Approach

 SCA members introduced themselves as a group of youth equipped with systems thinking, trying to use the knowledge to create possible solutions to the complex social problems in Siaya County. The team explained that they are part of the SAYDS Community Association, an umbrella housing Makadara and Utawala Groups.

SAYDS community association amplifies youth voices to influence policy with pragmatic and resilient solutions to help social problems within communities. The introduction explained the process of becoming systems leaders, highlighting CAT, SIT, and Policy sessions and how the training equipped them as a youth to become systems thinkers and systems leaders.

Participants shared social problems that Siaya residents face and asked for clarification on the criteria used to settle on poor educational performance among learners in Siaya County. Some of the social problems suggested included: drugs and substance abuse and teenage pregnancies.

Background of the Social Problem

The teams presented critical information on the two social problems discussed, namely;

These social problems were based on the system's insights into policy documents. Below are the concerns raised;

There was a discussion on these issues, and the conclusion ranged on resources and decision-makers. The workshop agreed that decision-makers influence the sustainability of interventions and that we should always target government resources. The team agreed to expound on this concept in the systemic insights for policy.

Research Results

The team shared the findings on the two systemic insights of policy documents with the participants. While this stays true, there was a need to explore meaningful ways to create more awareness of the findings.

The team acknowledged the roles that key stakeholders play in the findings. For instance, the team highlighted that  Parents and government educational curricula contribute immensely to the success of parts of the solutions.

On a personal note, some of the areas the training benefited me include:

Highlighted examples

Sexual reproductive issues in institutions play a critical role in education in conjunction with parents and religious leaders. It is a requirement to write letters to the education office to get permission to talk to students.

Community health workers and mentors are influential when talking to school-going girls. Additionally, relevant stakeholders can use school parent outreach programs to counsel parents on improved parental guidance.

Key Insights from the Research Findings

Some of the key insights as revealed by participant concerns were;


The facilitators thanked the participants for attending the session and providing feedback and information to improve the SIP. From the discussions, various volunteers requested to be part of the movement. The facilitators assured the participants that SIPs would be revised and shared with them.

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