How delivering Systemic Insights For Policy and doing mobilization workshops Impacted our work in the community

Community Service,SAYDS MEDIA,SIP

Beyond mentorship and training, SAYDS is a breeding ground for great leaders equipped with the necessary skills to create a network of complex systematic thinkers ready to transform this nation.

My name is Winnie Nyangasi Musengo. I am from Kakamega county but I currently reside at Kawangware in Nairobi, Kenya. I came to learn about  SAYDS from my former church; I was privileged when our pastor chose me and six other young people  from the church to join the program in 2019.

After acquiring complexity thinking knowledge, I have learned that most problems that occur in society are complex, which has significantly improved my problem-solving skills. I now know that to identify the root cause of a problem, one has to identify the relevant interconnected and interacting components which lead to a problem’s emergence. Only by identifying the various causal factors and feedback loops, can one successfully tackle an issue.

I also learned the importance of looking at the key stakeholders in the systems the problems exist in,  their aims, mental models(how people understand the world) or how they perceive a situation. What stakeholders say about an issue matters because stakeholders usually have different perspectives which if not looked into usually narrow down to the emergence or the development of wrong interventions.

The knowledge that I gained has helped me and my team (Tumaini) to identify the relevant stakeholders that have an interest in our social problem of Lack of Quality Education. The main purpose of the team was to create networks using systems thinking knowledge learnt for easy sharing of skills and incorporate mentorship programs in our communities. We were able to prepare our Systemic Insights for Policy (SIP) documents and deliver them successfully. SIP documents are policy documents that aim at addressing social issues in a systematic way. The document is enriched with systematic approaches gathered from the training toolkits and community mobilisation conducted by the team.

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We also held mobilization workshops with youth in our community where we took them through the social problem using systems thinking. This was  done through the  SAYDS Community  Association(SCA) which is an autonomous branch of SAYDS that aids in implementing projects designed during the fellowship. We helped the youth to understand the complex nature of the problem, why it is important to take this into consideration when thinking about the issue and how systems thinking can be used not only to understand the issue better, but also to design a well thought out, inclusive solution. This has also helped us enrich the policy document with reasonable ideas captured from the community members and like minded stakeholders.

After carrying out the workshop, we realized that there is a big knowledge gap in the community. Most youths don’t have the relevant knowledge on how they can address societal issues, which in turn causes them to be left out in decision-making and leadership roles.

Lack of skilful education has also made a number of young people idle. This has seen them take to indulging in illegal criminal activities. This in turn increases the number of people who are dependent on the few people who are in the workforce.

The knowledge and skills learned from SAYDS are essential in Kenya as they equip youth with the courage needed to stand up and participate in civic and political processes, decision-making, and governance. By mentoring youth to become better leaders, SAYDS also equips the participants with the skills and knowledge to solve social problems, creating more employment opportunities. The newly developed network of complex systematic thinkers will ultimately enhance the well-being of the nation, transforming the country in a more positive way.

I am humbled and privileged to be part of this program and look forward to more opportunities to learn, grow, and positively impact society.

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