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Systemic Thinking

Numerous interdependent components lead to social problems. The best way to formulate a comprehensive solution is to understand the problem’s structure, its organs  (stakeholders) and their role.

Karl Shompa is a patriotic citizen of Kenya, currently pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice & Security Studies. He has aspirations to venture into public policy and research to tackle social problems within Africa and the world.

Karl Shompa believes that effort and ambition can eliminate social problems. The power of change is within the citizens themselves and not anyone else.“The fellowship has changed how I perceive social problems. My main takeaway: there are many mechanisms that make it hard to solve a problem.

Through SAYDS I learned that numerous interdependent components lead to social problems. The best way to formulate a comprehensive solution is to understand problems’ stakeholders and their role.The confidence that SAYDS has offered me is unimaginable. Initially, I was not politically active . Since joining this great organization, I have taken a courageous stance on any topic directly linked to society’s welfare and actively engaged in improving it. Consequently, I joined the Mathare Social Justice Center to tackle injustices such ad police brutality and extrajudicial killings in the impoverished settlements of Mathare.

This is an astounding feat. I always envisioned youth to need a large budget or power to contribute to the eradication of social problems.  Since joining SAYDS, I learned that the only requirement to engage in politics is systems knowledge and a strong work ethic. As Aristotle deemed in his notable book, Nicomachean Ethics – excellence is based on the day-to-day habits of the individual. 

The knowledge that I gained through this intensive program will be pivotal when moving forward with my academics and career. I will continuously strive to ensure human rights violations are non-existent in the Kenyan Criminal Justice System by writing articles and assembling other system leaders.

SAYDS is an unforgettable moment in my life. The skills gained will assist me and other youth in the aim to liberate Africa from social problems and imperialism.

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Complex Social Problems,Problem Solving

Karl Shompa

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