Education for all


At the heart of this project is the need to understand what motivates young people to stay in school and strive to be better human beings. We put focus on engaging candidates in a bid to deeply understand their learning needs and identify ways to support them. Our target audience is young people who are currently in high school, those who have dropped out of school, those who did not perform well in their final high school exam and those who did not even get a chance to go to high school.

 Through the SAYDS program we got to understand different factors that affect output from the students and what can be done to help them. With our new gained perspective we got to understand a means of tackling this problem and also structuring our message to them to what they should know.

Project Details

Team Name:
Tumaini Youth Group

4 & 8

Target Location:
Madaraka, Nairobi

Social Problem:
Early school drop-outs

Project Goal:
Provide better alternatives for school drop-outs