Rise of Teenage Pregnancy in Korogocho Slums

Group G7 is dedicated to addressing the alarming rise of teenage pregnancies in the Korogocho slums of Nairobi. Our goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying issues within Kenya’s sexual reproductive health system that contribute to this problem. Despite the concentration of teenage pregnancies in several slums nationwide, our main focus is on the unique challenges faced by the Korogocho community.


Through the SAYDS program, we have been given a platform to thoroughly re-examine the factors driving the increase in teenage pregnancies. This program has facilitated a significant shift in our approach, allowing us to think like system thinkers. Contrary to the common assumption that inaccessibility to sexual reproductive health commodities is the primary issue, we discovered that the problem often starts within individual homes and extends into the broader society. 


By employing systems and complexity thinking, we have been able to identify both the causal and contributing factors to teenage pregnancies. This deeper understanding of the system has enabled us to move beyond surface-level explanations typically reported by the media. Instead, we have focused on uncovering the root causes of this issue.


Our comprehensive approach involves not only identifying these root causes but also developing practical solutions to tackle teenage pregnancies in Korogocho. These solutions are grounded in our understanding of the local context and the interconnected nature of the factors at play. By addressing issues such as lack of education, poverty, cultural norms, and limited access to reproductive health services, we aim to create a supportive environment for young people in Korogocho.


Through our efforts, we hope to empower the community with knowledge and resources, ultimately reducing the incidence of teenage pregnancies. Our work underscores the importance of systems thinking in solving complex social issues, and we are committed to applying this approach to create sustainable change in Korogocho and beyond.

Project Details

Group Name:
Group 7

Team Name:
Kisumu Team

3, 5

Group Location:

Social Problem:
Rise of Teenage Pregnancy in Korogocho Slums

Project Goal:
Identify root causes of teenage pregnancy in Korogocho slums and develop practical solutions.