Tackling poverty in Nairobi City

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The KMUN PSD Team, focusing on SDG No. 1, targets the pressing issue of poverty in the Nairobi. Their project aims to equip the youth group with a systems thinking lens to analyze and address the multifaceted problems associated with poverty. Initially, the team focused on providing immediate support, such as basic necessities, to alleviate the most urgent needs of the community. However, participation in the SAYDS program led to a transformative shift in their approach.


Through the SAYDS program, the PSD Team gained valuable insights into complex systems thinking. This approach allowed them to see beyond immediate needs and recognize the various interconnected issues contributing to poverty in their community. They realized that to create sustainable change, it was essential to address these underlying factors comprehensively. The team identified several critical areas that required attention: lack of employment opportunities, inadequate access to education, poor health services, limited access to clean water and sanitation, and food insecurity and rampant corruption.


Employment opportunities in Nairobi are scarce, and many families struggle to make ends meet without a stable source of income. The team recognized the importance of creating job opportunities and supporting small businesses to boost the local economy. Additionally, access to education is a significant challenge. Many children do not complete their schooling due to financial constraints, household chores, or lack of motivation. Improving educational access and quality became a priority, as it is a vital pathway out of poverty.

Health services in Nairobi are also inadequate, with many people unable to access necessary medical care. By addressing health issues, the team aims to reduce the burden of illness, allowing community members to lead healthier, more productive lives. Clean water and sanitation are fundamental needs that are often unmet in impoverished areas. Ensuring access to these resources is crucial for preventing disease and improving overall living conditions. Finally, food insecurity remains a persistent problem. The team aims to enhance food security by promoting sustainable agricultural practices and providing nutritional support.


By identifying and understanding these high leverage points, the Nairobi Team is now equipped to systematically tackle poverty and improve the overall quality of life for their community. Their holistic approach, rooted in systems thinking, ensures that their efforts are sustainable and far-reaching, addressing both the symptoms and root causes of poverty in Nairobi.


Project Details

Team Name:


Target Location:

Social Problem:
Tackling poverty in Nairobi City

Sustainable Development Goal: 1

Tackling poverty in Nairobi City

Project Goal:
To equip the youth group with a systems thinking lens to analyze the problems of poverty.

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